New Year, New Term Episode 131


Allena- I’ve got it
lots of gsquares only 25 left to make
2 pairs of fingerless mitts

Jessica –
2 woven scarves for my NEWT!
mittens for Truban and a *second* pair of mittens that have flip tops…


Allena- gsquares.
Christmas Stocking

socks- if they kill rick- desert vista dyeworks. NEWT
Nell sweater- NEWT

You Spin me Right Round:

Jessica- IG- #spin15in15 I’m going to spin 15 min everyday in 2015!


Jessica: warped up the third scarf!


Allena – so much fabric! sewing for Phat Fiber
Jessica- made a TON of reusable gift bags! finished the family pj’s- appliqued our letters on

Random Randomness!

Jamberry Nails
Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Show.Booth 67 come find me!
the OC fiber fest
Christmas in WI
-rolags, tablet, fiber club
read 2 books on the tablet.
Slytherin Stash Down Challenge

Christmas/kids vacation… (gleener!)
offering up a rolag of the month club!
got my last shipment of pancake and lulu club 😦

Grinching Epsisod 129


Allena- I’ve got it
4 drop stitch cowls
1 11 inch gsquare

Jessica –
dad’s socks
hat for Katie’s aunt


basic socks

hat for Katie

You Spin me Right Round:

NEWT -fail

NEWT-Finished my rolag newt!!!
planning my next one:
cabled sweater, 6 pair fingerless mitts, 1 pair of mittens, 3 woven scarves and 1 pair of socks.


Allena – Arithmancy 8 bags
potions 14 bags
transfiguration 9 bags

Random Randomness!

Jamberry Nails
Christmas Tree Set up
TWSP PAD join us no need to catch up
Turkey day
Black Friday deal..
I need a fiber club. Jessica?
the OC fiber fest
not accepted to MDSW
direct tv
a NEWTing we will go

made the best hummus ever.
Picture a day challenge! #twspPAD on instagram, join us!
hunger games marathon!
moonrover club!

Heart Growing 3 Sizes and a Naughty Kitty Episode 128

I totally forgot to do this yesterday! So sorry!



Jessica –
tiny baby hat
drop stitch cowl


basic socks

socks –

You Spin me Right Round:

NEWT -still spinning lots and lots of singles.

had a giant dyeing day
orange rolags- 280 yds of n ply


Allena -lots of sewing going
Jessica- started Christmas wear

Random Randomness!

Jamberry Nails
Phat Fiber contributor this month Buy Phat

Indie Knit and Spin! + goodies
Sell on Etsy reader = life saver!

pancake and lulu fiber- november
If they kill Rick – Desert Vista Dyeworks, a gift from Haizle
need to make this for teacher gifts!~ Hot Chocolate mix

Monsters Can Be Crooked Episode 120


Baby sweater

Jessica- Chloe’s monster(s)… almost done!

You Spin me Right Round:


dyeing more cormo… and some silk and firestar
still have a bit of the Border Leicester to wash.


Allena of course.
Jessica- made a new top for a messenger bag.


Jessica- on week 4! Focus T25-

Random Randomness!

Buy Phat! Qualified entries are purchases made 8/17/14-9/14/14. Each item purchased is a ticket to enter to win the contents of the PF preview Video (aka The Superbox) AND A $150 Gift Certificate to a shop that participated in the box this month.

dr who with the girls
Book case
power went out for like 10 min GITD case

I’m Jamberry Nails Consultant!

Book of Life!
Joe’s birthday- Texas Road House.

The Over Explaininator Episode 119


Jessica – Dot, Leah’s monster- #1 of my NEWT


Allena- Stitch Surfers pulled them out again on the heel!
Baby sweater

Jessica- monster, 2 of 4 for my NEWT
also working on a traveling shawl for a friend

You Spin me Right Round:

finished NEWT sampling and proposed then started NEWT

cormo is clean- dyeing is happening.- waiting for that to dry now
still have a bit of the Border Leicester to wash.
made 2 tiny batches of BL rolags- one without picking and just flicking the ends… the second with picking before carding. Much nicer rolags after using the picker.
I want to dye some of the BL too.


Allena- cardio knit monday
Jessica- on week 4! Focus T25-

Random Randomness!

I’m Jamberry Nails Consultant!
Buy Phat! Qualified entries are purchases made (7/13/14) through (8/16/14) please double check to see if your artist is on the “Birds of a Feather” The contents of the “Birds of a Feather” PF preview Video (aka The Superbox) AND A $150 Gift Certificate to a shop that participated in the box this month. Each item purchased is an entry, so create separate posts for each one.

Yarn Crawl goodies
Jaji girl
dr who

Hording Like a Dragon Episode 118


Jessica – Cecil- Truban’s monster


Allena- Stitch Surfers pulled them out again on the heel!

Jessica- monster, 1 of 4 for my NEWT

You Spin me Right Round:

Allena- The Epic washing of the fleece NEWT Complete!!!
Won a TDF prize! Now to figure out how to spend it.
fiber trade with Jessica
started planning a NEWT- sampling

dyed up a bunch of BFL and faux cashmere. and some wool for Allena
cleaning 2 fleece- cormo-3lb, border leicester- 6lb. making 15 lb of rolags. spinning 12 oz.
Washed 2lb of the cormo… taking forever to dry. no spin cycle 😦
I bought some simple green to use for washing fleece!


Allena- cardio knit monday
Jessica- on week 3! Focus T25- my goal this week is to wake up early and do it first thing in the morning…

Random Randomness!

Get fabulous nails from me!
Buy Phat! Qualified entries are purchases made (7/13/14) through (8/16/14) please double check to see if your artist is on the “Birds of a Feather” The contents of the “Birds of a Feather” PF preview Video (aka The Superbox) AND A $150 Gift Certificate to a shop that participated in the box this month. Each item purchased is an entry, so create separate posts for each one.
rainy cool week = awesome! wore handknit!
Yarn Crawl Thursday
amazon prime

won $25 etsy gift card from the akerworks team for TdF!
donated 11 inches to Children with Hair loss
got my socks from Haizle
July pancake and lulu club fiber-

Selfish Mommy Award Episode 117


Jessica NEWT- Finished!!! and turned in.


Allena- Stitch Surfers on the heel!

Cecil- a red and green monster for Truban.

You Spin me Right Round:

Fiber Wash Report: All alpaca fleece is washed just have to spin 2nd set of rolags
Mashup 4plynply
I fail at TDF this year

Loop bump n4ply mashup- 634 yds, (2536 yds of singles)- 10 oz
Nerd Girl Yarn mashup- n4ply, 332yds (1328 yds of singles) – 8oz

how i mashed them up

TDF totals:
5919 yds of singles
1665 yds of plied yarn
35.5 oz


Allena – When sewing attacks!


Allena- hurt my back
Jessica- doing Focus T25-

Random Randomness!

I’m Jamberry Nails Consultant!
PhatFiber Contributor Box
Buy Phat! Qualified entries are purchases made (7/13/14) through (8/16/14) please double check to see if your artist is on the “Birds of a Feather” The contents of the “Birds of a Feather” PF preview Video (aka The Superbox) AND A $150 Gift Certificate to a shop that participated in the box this month. Each item purchased is an entry, so create separate posts for each one.
rainy cool week = awesome! wore handknit!
Rubarb Kuchen= awesome
Zuchinni and Cukes GALORE in my garden. also butternut squash
Yarn Crawl next week

Went camping!
hair appt for friday~

Kicking my TDFleece Butt! Episode 116


Allena- OoTP

Allena- Stitch Surfers pulled them out again

NEWT- 7 stripes to go!

You Spin me Right Round:

Allena- The Epic washing of the fleece NEWT
Fiber Wash Report: 1 alpaca fleece is washed and dry going to make some rolags
TDF finsihed green from NK

matchless- falkland- orange and June pancake and lulu
how it mashed up.

Gradient Rolags. 91 yds 2.5oz Nply.

sidekick- loop bump- still working on it.


Jessica- doing Focus T25-

Random Randomness!

I’m Jamberry Nails Consultant!
HUGE awesome swap package from SuperM
Used awesome lazy kate. works AMAZING
bella at camp
chrome and FB not playing well together?

Staff swap from Teknosugar
fixing the screens on our camper. UGH.

i want to chop off my hair. bad.

White Thang Episode 115

We are sorry for the quality of the video we were having a few internet problems. Please be patient with us!

Allena- TWSP sock swap
Jessica- cardio socks!- blocking


NEWT- Truban’s blanket- starting on the last 5 balls of yarn.

You Spin me Right Round:
Allena- The Epic washing of the fleece NEWT
Fiber Wash Report: 1 alpaca fleece is washed and drying
TDF Finally spinning the green rolags from

order mission.-
350 yds of BFL- 2ply
matchless- falkland- orange and June pancake and lulu
how i’m going to mash them up=
sidekick- loop bump


Allena- went for a walk with the dog
Jessica- Started doing Focus T25-

Random Randomness!

I’m Jamberry Nails Consultant!
HUGE box of yarn from Amy
DJmeurer sent me a lazy kate. So awesome!
4th of July at Idlewilde
got my socks
got a ton of audio books from the library

new cup!
Truban is 5- birthday
4th of jUly with the Withrows in Sturgeon Bay
I’ve been digging on making summer salads.

All that counts is TDF! Episode 114


Jessica- cardio socks!


OoTP medusa
socks for cardio challenge almost done

NEWT- Truban’s blanket- 1/2 way done! = 75% of the newt!- took a pic, need to turn it in

You Spin me Right Round:

Allena- The Epic washing of the fleece NEWT
Fiber Wash Report: corm and suffolk spun. Picked through Alpaca

spinning on my order mission.-


Allena sewed a bunch of special orders


Jessica- been biking a lot. not cardioknitting though

Random Randomness!

I’m Jamberry Nails Consultant!
garden doing awesome
HUGE light tent. HUGE
so freakin hot
lego movie
HP marathon

put in pool

Planing Podcast

CoMC- augurey
Craft something to help maintain the augureys’ habitat, either by:
bringing moisture or rain to the area (craft something to hold water, conjure clouds or rain, represent water or clouds), or
increasing the insect/fairy population in the area (craft representations of insects or fairies, or make something that is appealing to them)**
Non-rav crafts with prior approval

Charms- Colovaria charm
Master the Colovaria charm by creating something with color changes. If turning in a complete color change, posting a before picture with your turn in is required.

DADA Glacius spell
Craft something that protects you by keeping you warm while you practice the freezing spell.

Divination- karma
Your assignment for this month is to give back to the future by improving your karma. Craft something, and in your crafting, do something good for the world outside yourself. You might choose to craft an item that you then donate to charity. Or you might craft something to comfort a friend going through a rough time. Or you may even spend some time crafting with those in need.
Non-ravelry crafts will be accepted for this homework.

Flying – camouflage
Craft an item, or items, to blend in with the sky or disguise yourself as a flying Muggle animal or form of aerial transportation. If you are relating this to a Divination project, link to your June class submission in your turn-in post.

Herbology- Roots
Make an item that calls back to the reason you began crafting. If you were taught at your grandmother’s knee you could make a baby sweater like the ones she always churned out. If a friend’s amazing shawl got your mojo going, do it justice by making a wrap of your own. If your early days were ruled by endless scarves go ahead and plow through another. We want to see the connection between what you make and your crafting “roots”.

History of Magic – Goblin Rebellion of 1612 a dramatic recreation
You may choose to be a wizard, a goblin or a barkeeper, and we’ll need some props
Make a prop for your chosen character in the rebellion drama. We will be accepting non-Ravelry crafts, including metalwork, jewelry or fiber-related crafts (sewing, macramé, tatting, etc.).

Potions – Babbling Beverage
We invite you to craft something nonsensical and silly, just as this potion is nonsensical and silly. If you prefer to take a more practical approach, might we suggest you create a way to keep your mouth shut until the effects the potion wear off.