Giggling, Tangents and QallieQ oh my! -Episode 49

Podcast 49

Mojo/No Mojo:  this is where our FO’s go along with other things that inspire us.


two tea cozy by BrineyDeep for Slyther-Miniswap and one towards 8 needed for annual christmas tea with local knitting friends

WIP’s: where we talk about what’s going on knitting and crochet wise
Rainbow of Awesome

My Hope (broom)
Madi’s Tomten

traveling afghan

Natalia’s Sweater~ (Order Mission)- purse project

Ej gathering stripes– Order Mission- ShiBui Sock (wasabi/ivory)

Orange Torture socks- started at game one of the NLCS (national LEAGUE championship series- 3EWES Ewetastic Wonderland colorway black orange white)

Rocky Coast Cardigan/OWL: Stalled out at sleeve split- having trouble finding motivation to pick it back up- love the project almost too much brain required for tv knitting….

To spin or not to spin:
Gradient spin.
NEWT  2 more batts made and spinning

Jessica- nada 😦


Weaving: where Jessica talks about her weaving!
half way on my third OWL scarf...

Allena- got fabric for some baby quilts. need to get 1 more pink.

Jessica- 3 more done, Finishing up 5 tote bags, total of 10… hoping to finish up tonight!

QQ: nope


Allena- nope

Jessica- still on week 3 of C35K.

QQ: I am regularly wearing my pedometer for the get moving challenge at work but still have not found the time to workout or I am not willing to give up my tv/knitting time to workout- however you wanna look at it.


Buy Phat – anyone on the list HERE you can enter yourself to win The Superbox AND A Namaste Bag of your choice (up to $100) AND a Knit Kit to go inside, AND a Gift Certificate on of the contributing shops (winner’s choice) Winner is  randomly drawn from the  thread. Each item purchased is eligible for an entry.

Got my Hogwarts Dueling Club shipment today. from Hermione Jean Creations


Younger Yarn Fiber~

2 braids of Rambouillet
HJC- HDC, Draco/Harry



me too!
Hermione Jean Duel Club (Harry/Draco) Grey Tweedy with pops of green… potential for EJ!
Sunset Stitches is doing a 4 month stripy club thats affordable-
my new favorite dyers (FishKnits and Dancing Dog Dye Works for Stripes)
I am absolutely obsessed with Stripy Yarn and Stripy Socks….


Vesper Sock Yarn: Spooky or as Helga Calls it …Lets Talk about Baseball

Dancing Dog Dye Works


Wrock Song:

What is Quidditch by Dudly and the Dursleys



Knitabulls Podcast




iTunes Weasley Sister Podcast Link!

While you’re there why not leave us or any podcast you listen to, a reveiw?

If you’d like to come on the show we’d love to have you just contact us and we’ll work something out.  

Jessica is the Nice Sister: Episode 48

podcast 48

Mojo/No Mojo:

Ood –  If anyone wants I took notes.

Trevor’s brimmed hat

10 little sweaters for Quidditch

Ankle socks for my sister
10 Snowflakes for Quidditch:

Rainbow of Awesome
My Hope (broom)
Madi’s Tomten


traveling afghan

Natalia’s Sweater~ Order Mission out of ASC club colorway Violets in the rain.

Test knit for Barbara Benson (vox8 on Ravelry)
It’s going to be released in January, so no pics except the funny one’s I’m using for class. But I can tell you it’s beautiful and crafted in sock weight Malabrigo.

Market Bag (test knit)

Jake the Dog~

Storyteller Hoodie~ History of Magic OWL in Nature Spun

Pinwheel Cardigan~Order Mission

To spin or not to spin:
Gradient spin.
NEWT 50% is turned in

BFL, nply. 90yds


Sunshine roving, 2-ply, 297.5yds

Started my third scarf!


Trish- I’m working on apillow to match a quilt I made my mom last Christmas

Allena- sewing and still more sewing… and updates OH MY!

1/4 an update
3/4ths of an update
phatfiber update
making 10 tote bags… still.. finished 2, and the top piece to the third… 7 to go.

Trish- I’m back into week 1 of C25K.
Allena- 2 times cardio kniting
Jessica- moved onto week 3 of C35K!

The Questions:
1.       When did you start reading the HP books. (audio books included)
2.       What book is your fave and why?
3.       How’d you find the HPKCHC?
4.       What is your role in HPKCHC if you have one?
5.      How’d you find us. The Weasley Sisters Podcast?
6.       How’d you get into WROCK and do you have a fave group?

Enablement!: where we talk about the new stuff we got? things we’re into
Trish- nerdgirlyarns- fiber of the month club,
This time next week I’ll be the proud owner of a fleece from Rhinebeck thanks to kims picking one out for me.

Phat Fiber box went on sale over (and sold out) the weekend and I’m featured in the 3rd video

but if you buy from anyone on the list you can enter yourself to win The Superbox AND A Namaste Bag of your choice (up to $100) AND a Knit Kit to go inside, AND a Gift Certificate on of the contributing shops (winner’s choice) Winner is  randomly drawn from the  thread. Each item purchased is elligiable for an entry.  I got my box today.
phat fiber box
Purchased from Shadawyn FiberArts Bilbo Baggins and the Shire fiber club.
Signed up for Reducio’s Dobby’s Very Harry Christmas Swap


nerdgirlyarns- fiber of the month club

SoftnShiny ladies of who, 2 shipments

we’re on Itunes (the new feed)  and we’ll have a link to that in our show notes.
while you’re there why not leave us a reveiw?
If you’d like to come on the show we’d love to have you just contact us and we’ll work something out. Or if you’d like to sponsor us or send us something to review please contact us.

The potions lab.

Afghon… the fancy way to say it : Episode 47

Podcast 47

Mojo/No Mojo:
Fiber Pouch

NK hearts Ron hat– WIP for detention

Bacon!– For Quidditch

Featherweight Cardigan – WIP for Detention

Apple Cozy – Quidditch

Baby Bib
My Hope (broom)
Ood – for ood along.
Madi’s Tomten

traveling afghan

Natalia’s Sweater~ Order Mission out of ASC club colorway Violets in the rain.

Dishcloths – Flying & Muggle Studies

Dark and Stormy Cardigan – OWL

Blanket Squares – Phoenix Project

To spin or not to spin: where we talk about spinning
NEWT 50% is turned in

Jessica: none 😦

Laceweight Spindle – Merino/Silk/Bamboo (not sure on a class)

second one finished!

Sewing: talking about sewing
Allena: sewing like crazy! here and here
sewing space

making 10 tote bags…

Amanda:  Started Week 5 C25K. Freakin’ cold. 5k Run on the 27th
Allena- still in my funk worked out 2 times cardio kniting
Jessica- still on week 2 of c25k.

The Questions:
1.       When did you start reading the HP books. (audio books included)
2.       What book is your fave and why?
3.       How’d you find the HPKCHC?
4.       What is your role in HPKCHC if you have one?
5.      How’d you find us. The Weasley Sisters Podcast?
6.       How’d you get into WROCK and do you have a fave group?


The fiber of the month for September  “night sky

night sky

from pancake and lulu etsy store

Jessica: fiber from SFA

we’re on Itunes (the new feed)  and we’ll have a link to that in our show notes. HERE!
while you’re there why not leave us a reveiw?
If you’d like to come on the show we’d love to have you just contact us and we’ll work something out. Or if you’d like to sponsor us or send us something to review please contact us.

Wrock Song:  

Lovegood by The Misuse Of Muggle Artifacts Office

Notes: The Weasley Sisters podcast GROUP!

Ood Along. AKA The Planning Podcast. Episode 46

Podcast 46

We’re on Itunes (the new feed) While you’re there why not leave a review?

Note: all classes are now requiring a standard header… one we’ve used before:
Yardage: (optional, but you’re not eligible for yardage bonuses without it!)
Project Page: (optional, a project page does not make up for missing information in your turn-in)


  • October 31: 75% benchmark for 100pts
  • November 30: 100% final benchmark 200pts


  • October 15th: deadline for any proposal changes
  • October 31st: deadline for submission of OWLs at 50%
  • November 30th: deadline for submission of completed OWLs.


  • September 30: Order Commander will say “Go!” You may begin crafting.
  • November 11: Players may begin to hand in completed Missions!
  • November 25: Last day to hand in completed Missions! No sumissions after 11:59:59 Pacific Standard Time!


  • September 30-October 6–Challenge 2: Sports Nutrition
  • October 10-October 26– Game 2: Endurance competition
  • November 3-10– Challenge 3: Hats time trials
  • November 14-29– Game 3: Cross-training
  • November 30: Final video presentation from all houses due.
  • November 30: 11:59:59 PM, Quidditch whistle will be blown, ending game for the term.

Ancient Runes:  code runes

Before you head out to engage in Hallowe’en mischief, we ask you to consider these runes and pursue one of the following further forms of study:

  • Craft an object that contains a secret message, using these numbers or runic symbols.
  • Craft something inspired by the shape or meaning of a rune.
  • Consider the mystery of 7. What could it be, and why does it represent the number 7?

Allena~ ood
Jessica~Ood Along! 

Check out our Ood Along thread! Join us!

Charms-  Dissallusionment charms
Option 1: Create a disguise for yourself or someone else.
Option 2: Dye some yarn in a colorway that would allow the yarn to blend in with a spot in your environment. For this option, photo the skein alone and photo it in the environment it is meant to blend with.
Option 3: Spinners disillusion some fiber by spinning it to blend with something in your stash by matching the weight, color, or ply style of a yarn you already have, or a fiber you have already spun.
Please note, we will accept non-Rav crafts this month with professor pre-approval. It has been determined that sewing will be accepted so there is no need to pre-propose a sewing project.

Jessica~  sew tote bags?!
Allena-  spin or slippers

DADA-   Glumbumble
This term we would like you to show a satisfactory knowledge of the Glumbumble by crafting an item that fits its description.

  1. Craft an item that works well as one thing, but is harmful as something else. i.e. these fingerless mitts are wonderful for keeping my hands warm in the office, but do nothing for my fingers in the winter.

  2. Craft something that would make its habitat in a dark and secluded place.

  3. Craft your interpretation of the Glumbumble and explain.

Jessica-   brimmed hat for Trevor

Flying –  Magic Carpets
Option 1: Study at Hogwarts and hide your Magic Carpet: Craft something that resembles a carpet. This could be anything from a scarf, or rectangular shawl, to a table runner or iPod cozy. Spinners, perhaps you’d prefer to unravel your rug? (meaning a spin,not a frog)
Option 2: Take the Portkey: Craft yourself a portkey inspired by the country you’ll be visiting for your Flying lesson. You’re not restricted to countries that traditionally have rugs like these. Explain your inspiration briefly.

Allena~ spin or carpet bag (felted)
Jessica~  Spin anything… 😀

Herbology-  Wand Cores
Option 1: Crazy core/plant hybrids! Wrap a magical plant or fungus around a magical core. (Ex. grow a flaming cactus with a phoenix feather, glittery unicorn roses or spin flamboyant dragon vines.)
Option 2: Cozy, from-the-core crafting! Further develop a skill familiar to you or craft something that is a ‘go-to’. (Ex. beanie hats, spin a favorite fiber, or method of dyeing). If your project/queue/stash pages are crawling with it, it should work nicely here.

In summary, this month you may wrap a magical plant or fungus around a magic core or craft something you are familiar with. Don’t forget to explain how your project fits the option (Ex. Option 1 – name the hybrid components – plant & core). Literal core spinning works for both options. WIPs may be taken to detention, and most importantly, professors may not be held responsible for exploding wands.

Jessica~  spin fractal!
Allena~  spin

History of Magic-   Faries
Option 1: Stay vigilant! Learn to recognize the local Seelie or UnSeelie Fae. Craft an item to represent your ability to recognize them in all their exquisite glamour or freakish glory.
Option 2: Hit the library! The scholarly record of the Fae may be meager, but we suspect their presence in “fictional” literature may be much more pronounced. Search for evidence of fairies or Fae in popular literature from medieval to modern times. Share your findings with the class and craft something to represent your research. (Please though, when it comes to novels, no spoilers! That would be like a nasty faery trick!)

All Rav crafts, as well as fabric sewing and quilting, will be accepted. Crafting guidelines for fabric sewing and quilting can be found in post #1

Jessica- Sew tote bags?!

Muggle Studies-   Dogs
Option 1: Craft a dog: either a toy dog, or an item which depicts a dog.
Option 2: Craft with dog hair. Spin or dye yarn from fiber that’s at least 25% dog hair, or knit/crochet something from that yarn.
Option 3: Craft something a Muggle would need to take care of a pet dog. Some examples are a bed, a collar, or a dog sweater.
Option 4: Craft something as seen from a dog’s point of view. To take one example, dogs can see only two colors, blue and yellow, so you could craft something using those colors. If you choose this option, you may knit, crochet, spin, or dye, but you MUST explain why your item fits the prompt. Sell it! You may wish to enlist a dog to narrate your homework post, or to visit the library to learn more about dogs.


Potions-  Skele-Gro
Your task for this class is to study and replicate the Skele-gro potion in one of the following ways:
1) “Notably slow and painful” – use a technique that is considered slow and sometimes painful to craft an item; eg double knitting, etc
2) Bones – it’s all about the bones, grow some bones
3) Smoky and burns going down – craft something to represent the smoke issuing from the cup, and/or the burn as you swallow.

Allena~ jack skellington? skull socks?